Vladimir and Maya Opara A lonely man in a construction pit. 2017, oil on canvas, mixed media, print, 100x150 sm. Art work for sale

Vladimir Opara 2011, 100 х 150 sm., mixed media, oil on canvas

I know the city will be... for Vladimir Mayakovsky. 2015, print, oil on canvas, 100x150 sm.

Vladimir Opara 2011, 100 х 150 sm., mixed media, oil on canvas

Vladimir Opara. I know the garden will bloom. Dedicated to Vladimir Mayakovsky 2015, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x150 sm. Private collection, USA

Vladimir Opara Unidentified flying object over the village Durasovo 2016, oil, mixed media, 100x150 sm

Vladimir Opara Programming error. 2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x160 sm.

2018, oil on canvas, mixed media, print, 150x100 sm.

Opara Vladimir It Is Impossible To Explain Paintings to a Dead Hare. For Joseph Beuys. 2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, 150x100 sm.

Vladimir Opara The Bible in the backstreet. 2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, wire, 112x100 sm.

Vladimir Opara. Dedicated to Joseph Brodsky. Moist charm of Venice. ...для Иосифа Бродского. Влажное очарование Венеции. 2015, print, oil on canvas, 100x150 sm. Private collection, Den Haag, Netherlands

2015-2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, print, 100x150 sm.

Vladimir Opara Chioggia 2013, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x150 sm. art work for sale

Vladimir Opara Chioggia. Tribute to the Venetian masters of the landscape Francesco Guardi and others. 2013-2016, oil on canvas, mixed media, 100x150 sm. privet collection, Den Haag, Netherlands